Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's raining today

As much as I love bright, sunny days, I welcome those dreary, rainy days with open arms. They have a way of letting you get things done, that you would normally pass up because of the enticing sunshine and warmth. Whether I work out in the barn, or tackle a project (usually way over do) in the house, you still get a feeling or accoplishment and reward when the day is done. Right now we are at the start of the fall season, and rainly days seem to be more prevelant. Plus the days seem to be getting shorter in a real hurry. It doesn't give you much time to complete (or start) indoor/outdoor projects without some real planning. I seem to lack in the planning department. Not always, but I find, at this time of the year, I seem to have a real problem with it. It's probably denial....the fact that summer is ending (or has ended) and the long winter is ahead of us. Even though I spent a great deal of time outdoors in the Spring and Summer, when fall arrives, I feel like I did not get anything accomplished all summer, and now look fall/winter is on it's way. Panic, yeah somewhat, but then we have those glorious fall days, (except for the rain today) and that just puts you in such a great emotional frame of mind that the panic seems to vanish.
I decided to sleep in a little today. I got up at 7:15 am and started my day. First, let the dogs out, feed the cats, go out and feed the horses (with the dogs) come back in with the dogs, give them all a cookie, pour myself a cup of coffee, and think about my day ahead. Today is Sunday, so I won't have to rush into the shower, before everyone else gets up. I managed to get most of the laundry done, and dusted my house (3200 sq ft colonial) including the almost too embarrassing to mention cob webs formed in various corners of the house, before every one got up at 9:30 am. I even started a roast in that time. Not bad I would say, for my day off. Let's see how much more gets done since everyone is awake now, and moving about the house. This is usually when I loose my ambition, after everyone is up. I seem to find myself in the kitchen for the rest of the day, because of......"whats for breakfast? " (no one seems to be able to pour themselves a bowl of cereal, or toast a muffin), and then (actually pretty soon) "Are you making something for lunch?" still in the midst of cleaning up the breakfast mess....I swear, their stomachs are bottom less. I may be able to get to vacuum sometime today, or maybe it will have to wait till tomorrow. Not too worried about it.
Well the time is heading towards 2 pm now, and I'm sure the lunch crowd will be beckoning soon.
It's still raining, but it's Sunday, and the day is Glorious.......


Allison said...

Hey! I made it... so, how many people live in your house at the moment? Why did I imagine you and hubby all alone in a quiet house?

I asked, and our house is about 2800 sq. feet. 4 bedrooms are going in (slowly) as an upstairs attachment is dormered, then it will be 1200 sq. feet larger.

The spiders will be ecstatic.

Marion said...

Glad you found this. It thrills me to see your comments. I haven't been on this site in a while, and to see your comments on both sites is very heartwarming. THANK YOU.....
Well to answer your question, initially it was just Thomas and myself, along with Apollo and Honey. Shane and Charlie (they both work for us) are brothers, (related through foster care only,not blood). They spent a alot of time with us at the house, and they help us out with the animals (now seven) when we go away for a night or couple of days. Shane got his puppy last year (Diesel) and over the past year, they just kind of stayed over one night and then another and then just never left....I think it's great, I love having them here, and I love having Diesel here as well....just in case you wondered I love animals, the more the better....but tonight, we have four more people staying over. Jason, Shane real brother, only lives about a quarter of a mile from our house. he is married to Pam and they have two little boys, Caleb and Austin. Welllll, apparently Jason forgot to pay the electric bill, and when Pam got home with the boys,the house was cold and dark. So they are spending the night (maybe two) until their power returns....this probably won't be the last time, since this has happened about four times all ready haha :):) keeps us on our toes and definitley does not lack for conversation....Jason also work with you can imagine the ribbing.
Wow, I didn't realize that your house was that big. I bet it'll be great to get those four bedrooms done. Everything takes time, even though our minds can all ready see the finished product, the body just doesn't move as fast.We also have four bedrooms upstairs, with a half bathroom, and a room behind the bathroom....not sure what they were intending to do with that space. It's directly over my kitchen. Right now I'm using it as an odds and ends room, but I thought maybe if we took the ceiling out in the kitchen, and put sky lights/windows in it would lighting up my kitchen tremendously. Right now i only have one glass door for my morning light and one small window for the afternoon. If the sun doesn't shine, it's pretty dark in the kitchen.
I agree the bigger the house, the more little critters inhibit your domain....but hey I suppose they have to live somewhere too, and after all, we provide a clean warm atmosphere for them,....and their friends, and their friends friends, and...............